Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Newly Renamed Cardinal Stafford Library

J. Francis Cardinal Stafford came to visit the Archdiocese of Denver on the occasion of his 75th birthday and the 50th anniversary of his ordination as a priest. As part of his visit, the Archbishop Vehr Theological Library was renamed in his honor. We are now the Cardinal Stafford Library. Pictured are your fearless library staff with His Eminence Cardinal Stafford. The library owns a number of the writings of the Cardinal, notably when he was the Archbishop of Denver. These include pastoral letters, videos, and also profiling his work when World Youth Day was held here in Denver in 1993. Much of his work can also be found on the Vatican website.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Banned Books Week

The week of September 29th through October 6th is Banned Books Week and we have a display in the Library on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum. To read more about the Index, try Wikipedia or stop by the library see which classical authors and philosphers were prohibited at one time.

The Index was abolished in 1966 but many books in our collections still bear the following stamp :

The Archbishop of Denver concedes permission to read books on the Roman Index whenever, in the judgement of the professor, such reading is necessary or useful for class procedure. A student must obtain his professor's approval for the reading of this book

and a fascinating look inside the Index was revealed in 2005.