I know everyone around here is anxious to get final exams over with and go home for the holidays but this is just a reminder than all library items need to be returned this week. If you need materials for next semester please be sure and renew them starting on Tuesday.
If you need to listen to something inspirational, try one of my favorite radio shows, Speaking of Faith. This week Krista Tippett has a conversation with Parker Palmer in which they explore human and spiritual aspects of economic downturn.
You might want to check out Krista's book from the library also.
Cheers and Merry Christmas to all of our wonderful patrons
Monday, December 15, 2008
End of the Semester Blues
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Monday, October 20, 2008
Free Online Courses
Sometimes I just can't get enough of the WEB 2.0 stuff that goes on around here. I've been twittering lately and today I got a twitter feed from another librarian providing a link to free open-source non-credit classes at Yale University - I'm ready to take Game Theory but followers of this blog might be interested in Introduction to the Old Testament or the Philosophy Department class on Death - for more free open source courses from the best US universities try Dan Colman's list at Openculture
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Friday, September 19, 2008
Avast me hearties!
Thar be pirates everywhere today - some just be looking for the pillaged treats and others be looking fer treasure
if ye be hunting using our treasure map, be sure it be back here by 6 bells (3o'clock) as fine booty awaits!
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Thursday, August 28, 2008
Labor Day Weekend
Just as you were getting settled in, it is time to close the library for the Labor Day weekend. We will close at 6pm on Friday and re-open at 8am on Tuesday. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather.
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Thursday, July 24, 2008
Are we Library 2.0 or what? The Library now has it's own Facebook page and we encourage all of our friends to become fans. Here you will find some applications, library news, and a calendar of upcoming events. It's just another way to stay in touch with the library and connect with other friends.
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Thursday, July 17, 2008
The Scottish Play...
The Catholic Book Club of Denver had their monthly meeting at the Cardinal Stafford Library. The format this month varied a little from the usual style. Sarah Crockarell, assistant director of Macbeth in this year's Colorado Shakespeare Festival, moderated the discussion. Topics covered were the Gunpowder Plot and its connection to the play, religious themes of the time, and analysis of the characters in the play.
As you can see from the picture, this month was a pretty good draw. More than 30 people were in attendance to participate in the conversation! So, while we are still in the middle of the hottest part of the summer, we can still enjoy fellowship and dialogue! What the picture doesn't show is all of the food and drinks that were prepared and presented. It was very nearly a feast!
Next month, the book is John by Niall Williams. Check for it at your local library; you don't have to find it at Amazon, but do come join us for the conversation.
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Friday, June 27, 2008
ATLA Conference
Basically, the association exists to be a source of networking and professional development for librarians. They have a conference each year (in a different location), and hundreds of librarians descend on the city lucky enough to host us. Last year, the conference was held in Philadelphia, next year the conference will be in St. Louis, but this year the conference is June 26, 27, 28 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Some of the topics have included Facebook and Second Life in theological libraries, open access to journals for students at the theological institutions, and on like that. It’s really a great opportunity to meet other people, get new ideas, and share what we’re doing at our own libraries. Many libraries are represented: the Library of Congress, Duke University, Harvard School of Divinity, and St. Charles Borromeo are just a few examples.
While this is work, it’s also fun too. I got to tour the Parliament building in Ottawa (which is just a short walk from the conference hotel).
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Monday, June 9, 2008
Summertime and the livin' is easy.......
Things are a little quieter around the library right now. Most of the Seminarians are gone for the Summer but we do have several here working on their theses.
Please be respectful of those spaces carved out by these hard working guys.
Last week we hosted a meeting of Special Librarians who are affiliated with the Colorado Association of Libraries (CAL) and were please with such a fine turnout for the day-long program "The Plight of the Special Librarian: Working With Limited Resources". Stephen Sweeney, our Reference Librarian, is Pesident-Elect of this group.
This week we will sponsor a meeting for area Theological Librarians in anticipation of the annual ATLA meeting. At least 17 librarians will be joining us for lunch on Thursday and a lively discussion about issues facing Theological Libraries. And last, but not least, on Friday we host the Intellectual Freedom Committee for CAL an their monthly meeting.
Who knew so many librarians could meet at one place in a week?
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Monday, May 12, 2008
Summer Hours and other trivia
This is finals week for St. John Vianney Seminary and the stress levels are a little high. Ordinations take place on Saturday and then the library has a little respite until the summer session begins. After Memorial Day the library will only be open Monday through Friday from 8am until 6pm. These hours will remain in effect until students return during the last week of August. To celebrate the end of the year, the library staff will be participating in the fundraiser for the Capuchin Friars by collaborating as a Trivia Team, aka the Gutenbergers. Come out on May 19th for the Trivia Contest at the Cheeky Monk Belgian Beer cafe!
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Labels: Summer hours triva team
Monday, April 7, 2008
Edible Books
Every year, as a close as possible to April Fool's Day, the International Edible Book Festival is celebrated by bibliophiles worldwide. This year, the Cardinal Stafford Library entered the Boulder Festival with our edible scroll which had a passage from Ezekial, Chapter 3:
1 He said to me: Son of man, eat what is before you; eat this scroll, then go, speak to the house of Israel.
2 So I opened my mouth and he gave me the scroll to eat.
3 Son of man, he then said to me, feed your belly and fill your stomach with this scroll I am giving you. I ate it, and it was as sweet as honey in my mouth. He said:
4 Son of man, go now to the house of Israel, and speak my words to them.
Our first attempt at making the scroll out of unbaked phyllo dough and food coloing, shriveled and cracked and quite frankly was not so very edible (uncooked phyllo dough taste like wallpaper paste)
the most extraordinary entry at the festival was the chocolate typewriter/pasta machine/book that was sold by the slice - quite incredible and extremely yummy
link to the Boulder Camera video about the show
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Labels: edible books boulder book arts
Monday, March 24, 2008
It's March..and nobody's blogged
Wow - I can't believe that nobody has blogged since the Zusy dedication - ok, here is my rant .... we weren't even NOMINATED for the 2008 Catholic Blog Awards - on the other hand you might find some interesting links there
ok - I feel better now - here is what's happening at the Library this Week - not much as the Seminarians are off for Spring Break - Dr. Woodward is in Hawaii - Lyn doesn't work on Mondays - very quiet around here - almost spooky
the fire alarm went off this morning and firemen actually came - I thought it was just a test so I stayed in the library - silly me - apparently it was accidentally tripped by the maintenance guys doing some work in another part of the building
If you haven't made it to see the Icons yet, they are still here through May 12th - quite stunning
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Labels: blog award icons
Monday, January 28, 2008
Fr. Zusy, O.P. Philosophy Library
Today the Fr. Zusy Philosophy Library will be dedicated as the newest addition to the Cardinal Stafford Library.
Fr. Zusy, who died in 2000, was the first Philosophy professor at Saint John Vianney Seminary. Because of his love for the Seminary, Fr. Zusy asked that his books be kept for everyone to use and a small Philosophy Department library was created.
With the prompting of Sister Prudence Allen, the collection has been moved to the Cardinal Stafford Library and will be formally dedicated at 3pm today. Members of the local Dominican community, of which Fr. Zusy was a member, will be in attendance, including their Vicar Provincial for Ministry, Br. Edward Van Merrienboer, O.P.
Please come and join us if you can, or feel free to visit the collection which is located on the lower level of the stacks.
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