Monday, June 9, 2008

Summertime and the livin' is easy.......

Things are a little quieter around the library right now. Most of the Seminarians are gone for the Summer but we do have several here working on their theses.
Please be respectful of those spaces carved out by these hard working guys.

Last week we hosted a meeting of Special Librarians who are affiliated with the Colorado Association of Libraries (CAL) and were please with such a fine turnout for the day-long program "The Plight of the Special Librarian: Working With Limited Resources". Stephen Sweeney, our Reference Librarian, is Pesident-Elect of this group.
This week we will sponsor a meeting for area Theological Librarians in anticipation of the annual ATLA meeting. At least 17 librarians will be joining us for lunch on Thursday and a lively discussion about issues facing Theological Libraries. And last, but not least, on Friday we host the Intellectual Freedom Committee for CAL an their monthly meeting.
Who knew so many librarians could meet at one place in a week?

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